Llano County DWI Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Lawyer for Drunk Driving Charges in Llano County, Burnet County, San Saba County, and Blanco County
Over the past several decades, public safety campaigns have made sure that people understand the dangers of drunk driving. Intoxication by alcohol or drugs can significantly impair a person's ability to drive safely, and those who drive while intoxicated are much more likely to be involved in car accidents. However, people can make mistakes. A person may end up being arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) because they did not realize they were over the legal limit or because they experienced unexpected reactions when combining alcohol with prescription drugs or other substances. Those who are facing DWI charges will need to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help them understand the best way to approach their case.
The Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, PLLC provides legal help and representation in multiple types of criminal cases, and we work to protect our clients' rights and determine how they can minimize their consequences or penalties. Attorney Russ Baker is an aggressive litigator with more than 16 years of experience, and he is prepared to advocate on your behalf throughout the legal process. He will identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's case, such as violations of your rights or problems with breathalyzer tests, and he will work to help you avoid a conviction or determine whether your charges can be reduced or dismissed.
Texas DWI Laws
Under Texas law, a person is legally intoxicated if they have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher. However, a person may also be considered to be intoxicated if the use of any substances has affected their physical or mental faculties. In addition to alcohol, intoxicating substances may include controlled substances, prescription drugs, or any combination of two or more of these substances. A person may be charged with the offense of driving while intoxicated if they operated a motor vehicle in a public place while they were legally intoxicated.
A first-time DWI is usually charged as a Class B misdemeanor. If convicted, a person may be sentenced to a maximum of 180 days in prison, but they will be required to serve a minimum sentence of three days. A first DWI offense also carries a maximum fine of $2,000, and a person's driver's license may be suspended for up to one year. If a person had a BAC of .15 percent or higher, they may be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a maximum prison sentence of one year.
Penalties will increase if a person is charged with intoxicated driving after they had previously been convicted of DWI. A second DWI is a Class A misdemeanor, with a minimum prison sentence of one month and a maximum sentence of one year. A person may also be fined up to $4,000, and their driver's license may be suspended for up to two years. A third DWI is a third-degree felony, and a conviction can result in a prison sentence of two to 10 years, a fine of up to $10,000, and a driver's license suspension of up to two years.
A person arrested for DWI may also face other related criminal charges. If they were carrying a minor under the age of 15 in their vehicle, they may be charged with DWI with a child passenger, which is a state jail felony, and a conviction can result in a minimum prison sentence of 180 days and a maximum sentence of two years. A person may be charged with intoxication assault, a third-degree felony, if they caused serious bodily injury to someone due to driving while intoxicated. If drunk driving allegedly led to someone's death, intoxication manslaughter charges may apply. This is a second-degree felony, and a conviction can result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a maximum fine of $10,000.
Contact Our Cherokee, TX DWI Defense Lawyer
At the Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, LLC, we can help you defend against DWI charges. We will determine whether charges can be dismissed or reduced, and we will work with you to make sure you will be able to have your driver's license reinstated as soon as possible. Contact our office at 325-216-2006 to arrange a complimentary consultation. We provide legal help with criminal cases in the Capital Area and Central Texas, including Gillespie County, Llano, Blanco County, Llano County, San Saba County, Marble Falls, Mason County, Fredericksburg, Burnet County, Kingsland, Burnet, Mason, Cherokee, Johnson City, and Castell.