Fredericksburg, Texas DWI Attorney

Lawyer Defending Clients in Drunk Driving Cases in Fredericksburg, TX
A person may be charged with the offense of driving while intoxicated (DWI) in multiple different situations. While these cases often involve accusations that a person operated a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol, a driver may also face these types of charges based on the use of marijuana, other controlled substances, or prescription medications. A DWI conviction can have serious consequences that affect a person's finances, their ability to drive, and other areas of their life. Those who have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence can get legal help from an attorney who can help them protect their rights and determine the best ways to defend against these charges.
At the Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, PLLC, we ensure that people who are facing criminal charges have the proper legal representation. We work to help our clients respond to DWI charges while making sure they understand how a conviction will affect their driver's licenses and other areas of their lives. With more than 16 years of legal experience, Attorney Russ Baker can help defendants take the right steps to resolve a criminal case successfully. He provides his clients with guidance on how to resolve their legal issues while advocating on their behalf to help them reach positive outcomes to their cases.
Representation in Fredericksburg DWI Cases
A DWI charge will usually be based on a police officer's suspicion that a driver was under the influence of alcohol. After pulling a person over, an officer may ask them to take a portable breathalyzer test that will give an estimate of their blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If a breathalyzer finds that a person's BAC is above the legal limit of .08 percent, this will give the officer probable cause to arrest them for DWI. If the results of a breathalyzer are inconclusive, or if the officer suspects that the driver is intoxicated due to the use of marijuana or other substances, the driver may be asked to submit to field sobriety tests such as walking in a straight line or standing on one foot. These tests may indicate that a driver is intoxicated, providing an officer with probable cause to perform an arrest. While drivers are allowed to refuse a roadside BAC test or field sobriety tests, this refusal may also give an officer probable cause to arrest them.
The specific charges that a person may face if they are arrested will depend on the circumstances of the case and whether they have previously been convicted of DWI. Typically, a first DWI conviction is charged as a Class B misdemeanor. However, if a chemical test of a person's breath, blood, or urine showed that their BAC was above .15 percent, they may be charged with a Class A misdemeanor. A Class B misdemeanor conviction may result in a jail sentence of up to six months, and a Class A misdemeanor conviction may result in a jail sentence of up to one year. A person will be required to serve a minimum jail sentence of three days following a first-time DWI conviction, and they will be subject to a maximum fine of $2,000. A first DWI conviction will also result in a driver's license suspension for one year.
DWI charges will increase in severity for a second or subsequent conviction. A second DWI conviction is a Class A misdemeanor, and a third conviction is a third-degree felony. A person may be charged with a state jail felony if they are accused of driving under the influence with a passenger under the age of 15 in their vehicle. If a person was involved in a car accident while driving under the influence, they may face third-degree felony charges if the accident led to a serious bodily injury, or second-degree felony charges may apply if a person was killed.
Contact Our Fredericksburg DWI Defense Lawyer
Our firm can provide you with the representation you need when you are facing DWI charges. We will ensure that you take the proper steps to resolve these matters quickly and efficiently, helping you avoid a conviction whenever possible or working to minimize the consequences you may face. Contact our office and set up a consultation by calling 325-216-2006.